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Johnson City Online

Online Resource

For Johnson City, Texas

Johnson City Online is a free online resource for travelers and residents to find local attractions, local businesses, experts, events, properties, and available land for sale in Johnson City, Texas.

Johnson City Texas in front of Courthouse


Johnson City, Texas

Johnson City, TX. sits along U.S. Highways 290 & 281 and is located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country in Blanco County, Texas, United States. Johnson City, Texas is roughly 40 miles west of Austin, TX (or a 1 hour drive along U.S. 290 from Austin) and roughly 60 miles north of San Antonio, Texas. 

The estimated population of Johnson City, TX as of 2022 sits at 2,240. Johnson City is home to the Johnson City Independent School District, which consists of Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary, Lyndon B. Johnson Middle School, and Lyndon B. Johnson High School. The total school district student count for the 2019-2020 school year was 642. 

If you’re looking to visit or live in the Texas Hill Country with dreams of owning more open land, having the freedom to build what you want, feeling the fresh unpolluted air, and seeing the big bright stars of the sky at night, then look no further except Johnson City, Texas.


of Johnson City, Texas

During the 1870s, in an attempt to find a more accessible and more geographically center county seat for Blanco County, James Polk Johnson and many other citizens came together to establish a new community approximately 1 mile southwest of the Pedarnales River. 

A post office was established in Johnson City in 1878, however, the attempt to make the newly made city the county seat for Blanco County failed. After some time and some growth, Johnson City became the county seat in 1890.

During the early 1900s, the city had a tough time gaining growth and suffered a decline during the 1920s. It was only until the 1930s, when Lyndon B. Johnson (former president of the United States), a relative of the founder of the city, James Polk Johnson, made it possible to introduce full electric power under the Lower Colorado River Authority and the Pedarnales Electric Cooperative, which still operates to this day.

During the first half of the 20th century, Johnson City, Texas was mainly a ranch trade center until the city began gaining revenue from tourists. The population of the city frequently fluctuated a few hundred people below 1,000. It was only until 2000, where the city population surpassed 1,000 and has not stopped growing ever since.

Johnson City Courthouse old photo
Johnson City Courthouse old photo


of Johnson City, Texas

During the 1870s, in an attempt to find a more accessible and more geographically center county seat for Blanco County, James Polk Johnson and many other citizens came together to establish a new community approximately 1 mile southwest of the Pedarnales River. 

A post office was established in Johnson City in 1878, however, the attempt to make the newly made city the county seat for Blanco County failed. After some time and some growth, Johnson City became the county seat in 1890.

During the early 1900s, the city had a tough time gaining growth and suffered a decline during the 1920s. It was only until the 1930s, when Lyndon B. Johnson (former president of the United States), a relative of the founder of the city, James Polk Johnson, made it possible to introduce full electric power under the Lower Colorado River Authority and the Pedarnales Electric Cooperative, which still operates to this day.

During the first half of the 20th century, Johnson City, Texas was mainly a ranch trade center until the city began gaining revenue from tourists. The population of the city frequently fluctuated a few hundred people below 1,000. It was only until 2000, where the city population surpassed 1,000 and has not stopped growing ever since.

Want Your Business Listed in Johnson City Online?

Johnson City Post Office

Johnson City Post Office

Johnson City, Texas Police

Johnson City Police

Johnson City City Hall front

Johnson City City Hall

Blanco County Courthouse in Johnson City, Texas

Blanco County Courthouse

Johnson City, Texas Library

Johnson City Library

Johnson City Texas Fire Department

Johnson City Fire Department

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